Well, Sach's life as an attorney and all those law school loans are beginning to pay off. He has been able in the last week to buy his FIRST brand new truck. It's a King Ranch 4-door pearl colored truck. It has so many cool features and he was so excited to show us on Saturday evening. He had come over to spend the night as he had been on the river with his AGR friends from ASU.
There are steps on both sides of the bed that pull out and let you climb up into the bed or reach your toolbox.
I was totally entranced with the "man-step" that pulls out of the endgate. Then a pole pulls out to grab onto to step up into the bed.
Oh Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
I am now a retired teacher, chess coach, quiz bowl coach, tutor, gifted and talented facilitator, dylslexia and disabled learner practioner.My autonomic nervous system is unable to return my blood to my heart and brain.(We use one damn powerful medication to do this all day long!) I am dependent on others for driving mobility, but not for thinking movement. I am in love with my camera lens.